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Streaming Svecenikova djeca 2013 Film!

Free Download Svecenikova djeca (2013)

  • MOVIE page: Svecenikova djeca (2013)
  • Genre: Comedy | Drama
  • Director: Vinko Bresan
  • Stars: Kresimir Mikic, Niksa Butijer, Marija Skaricic | See full cast and crew
Writing Credits By:

    Svecenikova djeca - neuspjesne scene (blooperi) - 1. dio FILM Svestenikova Deca Jo lue i smjenije greke sa snimanja Sveenikove djece Svecenikova djeca - scena u crkvi Priest's Children~Svecenikova djeca~2013~max~eng subs Part 1 

    Story: Don Fabijan is a young priest who comes to serve on an unnamed small island in the Adriatic. In order to help increase birth rate on the island, he decides to pierce condoms before they are sold. He therefore teams up with the newsagent Petar and the pharmacist Marin. After they abolish all forms of birth control on the entire island, the consequences become more and more complicated. Written bylletaif

    Produced By:

      Svecenikova djeca (2013) Review by dario_malic from Croatia

      Croatian cinema isn't well known in Europe, mainly because of the warthat took place here in the nineties and practically put a stop to anyserious film productions. But it isn't just Europe that ignoredCroatian films. Home audiences also got used to skipping them. It tooka lot of time to change that and in the new millennium things startedto slowly get better. It still awaits wider recognition but theproductions get more numerous every year and the films get more andmore diverse. Positive reviews and awards won at internationalfestivals also encouraged people to go to the cinema and see a domesticproduction. Riding on that wave a new film by well known Croatiandirector Vinko Brešan called "Svećenikova djeca" ("The Priest'sChildren") came to the Croatian film theatres and made the biggestopening ever for a domestic film.

      "Svećenikova djeca" tells the story of a young priest named Fabijan whocame to work on a small Croatian island. It takes only a short time forhim to notice how the population is rapidly decreasing, but after aseller from the only kiosk on the island confesses to him how he "killspeople" by selling condoms to everyone, Fabijan gets a great idea. Heteams up with the seller (later the pharmacist joins them too) and theystart piercing condoms, thus bringing the possibility of pregnancy backin God's hands.

      As you can imagine, that makes for a lot of hilarious situations. Theproblem is not all of them are that hilarious. Brešan can't seem tobreak off his mould, revisiting the same or similar setting andcharacters in each of his films, small island with a close-knitcommunity where everyone represents some stereotype. The audience hereis largely used to laugh at stereotypes but for a little more demandingfilm fan it's just not enough. The other main problem with not justBrešan's but almost all of the Croatian films is acting. For somereason most of Croatian actors can't (or won't?) make their charactersfeel natural. Their performances feeling staged and unconvincing for afilm. It's probably because of their theatrical backgrounds but that'san explanation, not an excuse. To be fair, there are a couple of goodperformances in the film, especially that of Nikša Butijer as Petar,the seller, with a mixed one by Krešimir Mikić in the main role. Thereare two things that particularly got my attention, one very bad and onevery good. The bad one is music by Mate Matišić (also a screenwriter).It's unimaginative and repetitious with main theme playing over andover again. The good one is cinematography by Mirko Pivčević. The shotsare simply fantastic, giving a greater sense of characters and plot andproviding beautiful scenes at the same time.

      Considering all of the above, it could be hard to understand what droveall those people in the cinema, but it's in fact very simple. Croatiais a country still greatly divided between secular and religious, infact just right now there is a big debate on Health Education withfierce rhetoric from both sides. Considering the main good guy is apriest (and the main bad guy too as it unveils in the end) and the filmlooks at both the good and the bad face of the Church, it's destined toattract people from both sides of the conflict. But what makes the filminteresting for home audiences doesn't necessarily make it so for therest, especially when you consider that what is a flat out comedy rightuntil the very end, makes a shift so abrupt that it just doesn't makesense (even with all the implications and message it's supposed todeliver) and ends as a great tragedy. "Svećenikova djeca" isn't a badfilm, but it becomes obvious that it won't be Brešan who will putCroatian cinema in the focus of the film world.

      Svecenikova djeca (2013) Review by maxima-milli

      It is not my intention to make spoilers, but I have to admit that thisis probably the best movie from Croatia in years, maybe even betterthan Bresan's previous huge movies back from 20 years ago.

      He always had the subtlety which helped him mix satire, comedy anddrama in a very particular way, through simplicity which eventuallymakes things complicated and often leading them to a true drama.

      The Priest's Children is highly recommendable, due to incrediblyauthentic acting, close to perfect directing and ... very recognizableBresan's signature.

      He did touch many subjects in one move and movie, that's true, butthat's nothing new when he's concerned. I don't expect the movie to hitgreatly in his homeland, because people might not actually want tounderstand what I already mentioned, the subtlety in which he mixes theliberties any church / religion is taking, but also humans who takeinto their hands affairs which are ... or aren't meant to be.

      It is not offensive, but simple, warm, full of brisk simplicity ofcutting edge humour, but at the same time, highly human, filled witheveryday events and simple men's ideas of how to "help". No matter theissue.

      It should be Streaminged as a movie with hundreds of messages, not as aninsult to either the Church or any religion or nation.

      Svecenikova djeca (2013) Review by doggydog2312 from Croatia

      Before Streaminging this, I'd encountered mixed reviews for the movie, fromraves, through "meh, it's was OK", to "absolute sh*t". Now... myopinion in the end is somewhere between the last two categories, andI'll explain why shortly...

      Someone mentions "authentic acting"... Oh really? Yeah, I guess itmight pass as authentic to someone without ANY knowledge of the settingit's supposed to be in. Almost NONE of the actors make any attempt atsounding like any Croatian islander -> to someone from someone fromanother part of Croatia, to whom everyone in Dalmatia, despite itsobvious linguistic variety and abundance of dialects, "sounds thesame", yeah, it would be OK as it's a mishmash of whatever the actorsthink sounds Dalmatian, but to someone aware of how it's supposed tosound, it ends up being as "authentic" and "genuine" as someonesuddenly doing a gangsta rap in the middle of a movie set in theVictorian period, only without the comic potential. Even if he did thatso that it wouldn't sound like "any island in particular", it soundslike "no island ever, possibly, with a dash of the Tower of Babel, asno two sound alike".

      It's a problem that has plagued the Croatian cinematography incessantlyever since, ironically, its independence, and Brešan, unfortunately ISone of the torchbearers of that notion, that echoes even today throughabysmal trainwrecks like Larin Izbor... but that's a different storyaltogether.

      Even after 16 years, Brešan seems unable to deviate from his "island +simple people + a "village idiot" (this time a "generic insane woman"and not a "generic dimwit", but it boils down to the same thing) + acomedy that grows into (or in this case, degenerates) a tragedy +"everything that's funny is revealed or hinted at in the trailer, sothe true laughs are rare in between" with just a dash of "aftereffectsof the war" formula, while still not understanding how the islandssound and function, viewing them from an almost colonialistperspective. Clichés are thrown around early on to establish an"atmosphere" and the main character, the likable Mikić is one the rarefew whose acting might feel right or genuine, as he's not reallysupposed to be from the village, established to be an outsider ofsorts...

      There is some good humor in here, however, ranging from subtlebackground stuff, body humor, to almost obvious gags (that don'taaallways work) and it almost seems like he'd thrive in an all-outfarce, and that makes the "tragedy" bits all the more banal. They feeltacked on, forced, thrown in with no grace, just to drive in a point.

      The movie pokes fun and/or attacks a lot of aspects the Catholic churchand clergy, in Croatia or in general, while not really religion itself,on many fronts, with varying success. One might not say the churchitself, just the corruption inside it... Some stuff works, somedoesn't... Some is subtle, some isn't. The hypocritical "enemies inpublic but friends / identical privately" aspect of (Croatian) politicsis also mocked... The efficiency of the humor and its parody valuevaries from viewer to viewer I guess.

      I just hope that Brešan tries to experiment for once and tries to put amovie in another setting. If he's trying to draw attention to theislands, and their problems, he's just doing it wrong, ignoring or notunderstanding their culture. Completely wrong. The sad thing is thatmost people won't notice. And who can blame them when they've only beenserved stuff like this.

      This could've and should've been better.

      PS. The geography of the place also makes no sense at first glance, atleast if we assume that people can't walk over water. It just looks badat times, with characters entering the scene from a direction theysimply shouldn't come from. I could be wrong and I'll gladly edit thisif it turns out that I'm mistaken.

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